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Introducing the Stable Release of Opaque
An overview of the key details (19.07.2023)
Förderjahr 2022 / Projekt Call #17 / ProjektID: 6374 / Projekt: Opaque

We are thrilled to unveil the stable release of Opaque! Now available on npm, it can be installed for Node or your Web-bundler with ease.

npm install @serenity-kit/opaque # version 0.7.0

You can find a comprehensive 'Getting Started' tutorial at the following link:

For React Native users, Opaque can be used through

npm install react-native-opaque # version 0.2.6

A specialized tutorial for React Native can be accessed at this link:

We have also implemented a variation of the library based on the elliptic curve P256. For a comprehensive understanding, delve into the advanced section of our documentation:

What holds back the 1.0.0 version?

The rationale behind keeping the version numbers below 1.0.0 revolves around three primary considerations:

  1. Up until now, Opaque has been implemented in a single application. We are keen to gain more feedback to solidify its stability.
  2. Opaque is yet to undergo a security audit.
  3. The specification for "The OPAQUE Asymmetric PAKE Protocol," although experiencing minimal changes now, is still in its draft stage. Despite our hopes for its finalization last year, standardization processes tend to progress gradually.

While we firmly believe in that API will not change and anticipate no changes in the protocol, we prefer to maintain the version numbers below 1.0.0.

Once audited, used by a handful of applications and the specification being finalized, we will release the 1.0.0 version.

Give it a try and let us know what you think!


What's next?

We are working on improving the documentation and also plan to provide and end-to-end encrypted backup example.


JavaScript Open Source Passwörter React Native Authentication
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