Approach to leverage Websites to APIs through Semantics
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Ioannis Stavrakantonakis

Approach to leverage Websites to APIs through Semantics

Förderjahr 2015 / Stipendien Call #10 / Stipendien ID: 1548

The transformation of Websites to APIs refers to the steps needed to leverage the Web content to self-defined data structures that can be consumed by machines and Web agents, called semantic annotations. Cornerstone requirement for this to happen is the incorporation of the correct vocabulary terms in a website. The presented approach addresses this challenge by helping to identify the most appropriate set of Linked Open Vocabulary terms for a given Web content context by leveraging the existing dynamics within the LOV graph and the LOD cloud.

Uni | FH [Universität]

Universität Innsbruck


Semantic Web


Dissertation | PhD





Abstract der Dissertation

Dissertation | PhD CC-BY-SA

The PhD was a life changing experience, pushed me to go beyond what I would believe it is possible to happen, and taught me to persist in pursuing of ideas that matter while keeping an eye to the cost of the invested time and energy.


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