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Comparing the effects of indirect reciprocity and division of labor across OSS communities
Predictions (01.04.2019)
Förderjahr 2018 / Stipendien Call #13 / ProjektID: 3844 / Projekt: Essays on Communities

Testing the proposed idea requires the operationalization of both (in)direct reciprocity and non-equivalent reciprocity. We suggest that (in)direct reciprocity occurs when a repository founder engages in a helping behavior X to other participants and receives the same helping behavior X from other participants. On the contrary, we suggest that non-equivalent reciprocity occurs when a repository founder engages in a helping behavior X to other participants and receives the helping behavior Y from other participants.

We develop founder-level predictions to test the idea of a special kind of reciprocity as a main driver of OSS repository growth:

1. [Preferential attachment has been argued to be prevalent in knowledge network by previously done research. We expect to find the "rich gets richer" effect in OSS communities, too.]

It is more likely that a repository founder receives a kind of helping behavior when s/he is connected with a greater number of network participants who provide the same kind of helping behavior.

2. [Equivalent reciprocity is referred as both direct and indirect reciprocity. The key argument here is the type of resource/activity to be exchanged between network actors.]

It is more likely that a repository founder receives a kind of helping behavior when s/he is connected with a greater number of network participants to whom s/he presents the same kind of helping behavior.

3. [Non-equivalent reciprocity also does not distinguish whether the direction of reciprocal behavior is direct or through a third party. This type of reciprocity, however, takes into consideration different types of resources/activities to be exchanged between network actors.]

It is more likely that a repository founder receives a kind of helping behavior when s/he is connected with a greater number of network participants to whom s/he presents the different kind of helping behavior.

We plan to test our predictions on a custom-tailored dataset merging data on projects and activities in GitHub, the largest OSS hosting repository site. The dataset construction and further analysis are in progress.


Reciprocity OSS communities Project founders GitHub
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