Governance of Autonomous Agents on the Web
Challenges and Opportunities (18.01.2022)
Förderjahr 2019 / Science Call #3 / ProjektID: / Projekt: PENNI: Richtlinienbasiertes Internet der nächsten Generation

The study of autonomous agents has a long tradition in the Multiagent System and the Semantic Web communities, with applications ranging from automating business processes to personal assistants. More recently, the Web of Things (WoT), which is an extension of the Internet of Things (IoT) with metadata expressed in Web standards, and its community provide further motivation for pushing the autonomous agents research agenda forward. Although representing and reasoning about norms, policies and preferences is crucial to ensuring that autonomous agents act in a manner that satisfies stakeholder requirements, normative concepts, policies and preferences have yet to be considered as first-class abstractions in Web-based multiagent systems. Towards this end, this paper motivates the need for alignment and joint research across the Multiagent Systems, Semantic Web, and WoT communities, introduces a conceptual framework for governance of autonomous agents on the Web, and identifies several research challenges and opportunities.

This joint work, which was conducted together with Timotheus Kampik, Adnane Mansour, Olivier Boissier, Julian Padget, Terry R. Payne, Munindar P. Singh, Valentina Tamma, and Antoine Zimmermann, has been accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology Journal. A preprint of the article is available here.

Sabrina Kirrane

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Sabrina Kirrane is an assistant professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Institute for Information Systems and New Media. Her research interests include Security, Privacy, and Policy aspects of the Next Generation Internet (NGI), Distributed and Decentralised Systems, Big Data and Data Science, with a particular focus on policy representation and reasoning (e.g., access constraints, usage policies, regulatory obligations, societal norms, business processes), and the development of transparency and trust techniques.
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