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Participation at the UIIN Entrepreneurial University Workshop  
September 20-21, 2017 (14.10.2017)
Förderjahr 2016 / Stipendien Call #11 / ProjektID: 1972 / Projekt: The Role of TU Wien in the Viennese Startup Ecosystem

With the support of the TUW Innovation Incubation Center (i²c), I have participated between 20th and 21st of September at the Entrepreneurial University Workshop organized by the University Industry Innovation Network in Amsterdam.

During these 2 days, we have intensively discussed in a collaborative, international & interdisciplinary atmosphere about the defining characteristics of an entrepreneurial university, the entrepreneurial role of the university as well as its key elements, and benefits. We have transitioned from theory to practice by studying use cases of universities from around the world and dived deeper into how the entrepreneurial university concept is actually implemented in practice.

This workshop was a great opportunity for me to gain more insights into other entrepreneurial university models and brush on my key assumptions and derived research outputs by discussing them with individuals well-grounded in the domain or academics in the process of implementing the concept at their university level. The latter was also a great source for complementing my research on developing a framework for transitioning towards an entrepreneurial university.

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