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Initial CoMatrix Release Available!
Code Repository and Documentation Publicly Available Online (22.06.2021)
Förderjahr 2018 / Project Call #13 / ProjektID: 3441 / Projekt: CoMatrix

The CoMatrix code repository is available on GitLab (GPL 3.0) and inlcudes the code of the CoMatrix gateway and the CoMatrix client library (incl. example RIOT applications):

The CoMatrix user and developer documentation is available on the CoMatrix project website (CC-BY-SA):

Additionally we added the final report and project summary to our Netidee project site (CC-BY-SA):

We are looking forward to your (highly appreciated) feedback (bugs, features, improvement suggestions, etc.)! Contact information is available on the website:

The Netidee project time is over, but we will keep on working and improving CoMatrix.

PS: We are planning to present CoMatrix at the RIOT Summit in September 2021:

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