Netidee Blog Bild
First prototype
Sharing functionality and map visualization (01.07.2019)
Förderjahr 2018 / Project Call #13 / ProjektID: 3480 / Projekt: SoniControl 2.0

We developed a first prototype of our server. We have implemented now a sharing functionality. With that, users can upload their detections and share them with the community. Everything happens anonymously, and no user specific data will be stored. Only the data about the detection itself, like location, where the detection happened, and a timestamp, will be sent to our backend. There we collect all the detections and display them on a map, where the users can look up all the shared detections of the community. Next steps for the backend will be i.a. the implementation of filters for the map visualization and an import functionality for the user, where they can download the shared detections from the server.

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