Misinformation Detection: Using Linguistic Cues
18th International Conference on Semantic Systems (13.10.2022)
Förderjahr 2019 / Science Call #3 / ProjektID: / Projekt: PENNI: Richtlinienbasiertes Internet der nächsten Generation

Astrid Krickl recently presented our work on Misinformation Detection at the 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems.

In order to address the negative impact of misinformation, there is a need for tools and technologies that can automatically identify misinformation. Towards this end, we examine the effectiveness of seven different linguistic cues with respect to three datasets. 

Misinformation Detection Process

Our results show that some linguistic cues proposed in the literature have a tenuous relationship to either true or false articles. 

Misinformation Detection Results

The paper can be found here: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3235/paper9.pdf

Sabrina Kirrane

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Sabrina Kirrane is an assistant professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Institute for Information Systems and New Media. Her research interests include Security, Privacy, and Policy aspects of the Next Generation Internet (NGI), Distributed and Decentralised Systems, Big Data and Data Science, with a particular focus on policy representation and reasoning (e.g., access constraints, usage policies, regulatory obligations, societal norms, business processes), and the development of transparency and trust techniques.
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