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Google Code-in boosts translations of Pocket Code
Many new volunteer contributors from all over the world (18.12.2017)
Förderjahr 2016 / Projekt Call #11 / ProjektID: 1685 / Projekt: Pocket Code

Google Code-In motivates thousands of young students to get engaged in Open Source and contribute to different organizations, such as Catrobat! More students than ever before already now registered for this Google initiative and are supporting coding projects from all over the world (…).

As mentor organization also Catrobat benefits from this initiative and gained dozens of new (young) contributors. Beside other activities, these contributors also help us to translate the app into several languages. Several hundred new translations have already been added to our system and will get published early 2018. Especially the new support of Right-to-Left (RTL) languages, that has been funded by the Netidee, benefits from these ongoing translation activities, done for free by volunteers.

So, we're looking forward to can even provide more translations in RTL languages soon!

Matthias Müller

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