Pocket Code at the Maker Faire Vienna 2017
Förderjahr 2016 / Projekt Call #11 / ProjektID: 1685 / Projekt: Pocket Code

The Catrobat Team presented Pocket Code at the Maker Faire Vienna. Hundreds of interested Makers visited the booth or participated in the workshop "Create your own app in 60 minutes".

Wolfgang Slany

Profile picture for user wolfgang.slany
Wolfgang is passionate about poverty alleviation through coding education for teens, in particular girls, refugees, and teens in developing countries, directly on their personal mobile phones. Wolfgang's Catrobat non profit free open source project since 2010 develops educational smartphone apps that work in a sustainable way also for teens in less privileged regions who do not have access to PCs and laptops, by relying on the phones most teens everywhere on Earth already personally own, and by bypassing traditional school pedagogy, instead using a constructionist approach focusing on game app development and fun. Professionally, Wolfgang is consulting and teaching on sustainable large scale agile software development and user experience topics for mobile platform projects.


Agile Software Development
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