Developing the Node.js backend (24.06.2019)
Förderjahr 2018 / Stipendien Call #13 / ProjektID: 3277 / Projekt: UNITA

Beside working on the beacon module and application, the server part started!

Current Status

The software development for the beacon is going on and the application on top of that module is also in progress. The biggest problem for the beacon module was, to stay on a base level and to not include parts of the software, which belong to the application layer. The connection between this middleware and the server is realized with Websockets. The test smartphone application for proof-of-concept will communicate with the backend by a REST interface.

Beside the already defined features for the Unita SDK, the development of the server for those requirements started. It will be the connection to the internet for the beacons. Moreover, it has a database for storing messages remotely, which is an important part of the backend. The database is a MongoDB, a NoSQL-Database.

Upcoming Challenges

One of the next challenges is finishing the beacon module software (Unita SDK). Further, finishing the implementation of the use case as the application layer, is an important point. Aside from software development, testing all microphones and loudspeakers with the beacon directly, will be a major challenge.

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