Ultrasonic Network for IoT Applications
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Florian Taurer


Förderjahr 2018 / Stipendien Call #13 / Stipendien ID: 3277

The area of Internet of Things (IoT) gained increasing importance in recent years. More and more everyday devices become smart and connected. Most of today’s IoT devices communicate via Wireless LAN or Bluetooth, which requires an external network and available sensors. This master thesis focuses on the development and construction of an ultrasonic communication infrastructure, i.e. ultrasonic beacons, which should provide an alternative way of communicating for IoT devices. These beacons should send and receive ultrasonic information and can connect with the internet for data exchange. With those beacons it should be able to create a network, which can be used to connect smartphones, smartwatches and other IoT devices with each other and the internet. As a proof-of-concept, a mobile app should be developed that communicates with the beacons and visualizes the network activity and status. The application will be implemented as Android application.

Uni | FH [Universität]

FH St. Pölten


Mobile Apps




mobile Apps Android
Open HW




Zwischenbericht CC-BY-SA

Unita Intermediate Report

App GPL 3.0

UNITA Proof-Of-Concept Application SocialWall (mobile client and beacon)

App GPL 3.0

UNITA SocialWall Example Application Client (zip-Archive)

App GPL 3.0

UNITA SocialWall Example Application Beacon for AndroidThings (zip-Archive)

Diplomarbeit CC-BY-SA

UNITA master thesis (with beacon rebuilding instructions)

Summary CC-BY-SA

Abstract of UNITA


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