Förderjahr 2017 / Project Call #12 / ProjektID: 2110 / Projekt: SoniTalk
From the 6th to the 10th of September the 40th edition of Ars Electronica Festival took place in Linz on the theme „ERROR – the Art of Imperfection“. netidee had invited us and two other projects to present our work.
Our very interactive booth caught visitors attention, and allowed them to experience exchanging data over audio using the ultrasonic frequencies. SoniTalk prototype proved to be pretty robust as we were able to exchange text messages even at the loudest times of the festival.
These five days of presentation allowed us to gather valuable feedback and fine tune our protocol's settings.
We would like to thank again netidee for giving us the opportunity to be a part of such a prestigious event.
More news will follow !
Alexis Ringot

Since April 2017, Alexis has been involved in several projects, including three funded by netidee : SoniControl, SoniTalk and now SoniControl 2.0.
- SoniControl focuses on the development of a privacy preserving app for mobile devices that notifies and blocks ultrasonic tracking information.
- SoniTalk focuses on the establishment of a secure and privacy-oriented protocol for ultrasonic communication.