Trustworthy Context-Aware Access Control in IoT Environments based on the Fog Computing Paradigm
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Nemanja Ignjatov

Trustworthy Context-Aware Access Control in IoT Environments based on the Fog Computing Paradigm

Förderjahr 2020 / Stipendien Call #15 / Stipendien ID: 5294

The strongly increasing interest in the Internet of Things (IoT) environments is currently leading to a rapidly changing landscape of innovative services for end-users. These changes need to be accompanied by appropriate computer networking, data analysis, security, and access control concepts to allow for scalability, safe usage, and overall safety and, thus, improved usability and intelligence in future IoT ecosystems.

Fog Computing enables the shift of data processing, communication capabilities, and intelligence of IoT environments to the IoT network's edges, closer to or even into the end-devices. These facts enable further improvements of the IoT security, leading to safer IoT systems, which allow users more control over their data and privacy settings. Moreover, offloading computationally-intensive security operations from IoT devices (sensors and actuators) to computationally-richer Fog Nodes enables creating trustworthy IoT environments with more secure data transmission and storage approaches.

This PhD project aims to model, implement, and evaluate access control mechanisms for Fog computing-based IoT environments, such as Smart Homes or Smart Buildings, as well as discover new opportunities for enhancing access control based on the current state of IoT environments. Hence, the planned research will focus on adapting and further development of novel access control models in IoT environments. Moreover, during the research, contextual factors of IoT environments and their impact on access control will be examined.

Uni | FH [Universität]

Universität Wien


Distributed Systems
Network Security


Dissertation | PhD


raspberry pi

verwendete Open Source SW

Spring Boot


Zwischenbericht CC-BY-SA

Zwischenbericht für das Dissertationsstipendium stip5294 "Trustworthy Context-Aware Access Control in IoT Environments based on the Fog Computing Paradigm" von Nemanja Ignjatov

Code Apache 2.0

GitHub repository for the software libraries in COSYLab

Code Apache 2.0

GitHub repository for the Cloud services in COSYLab

Code Apache 2.0

GitHub repository for the Fog services in COSYLab

Endbericht CC-BY-SA

Endbericht für das Dissertationsstipendium stip5294 "Trustworthy Context-Aware Access Control in IoT Environments based on the Fog Computing Paradigm"

Summary CC-BY-SA

Zusammenfassung vom Dissertationsstipendium stip5294 "Trustworthy Context-Aware Access Control in IoT Environments based on the Fog Computing Paradigm"

Dissertation | PhD CC-BY-SA

Abgeschlossene Dissertation für das Dissertationsstipendium stip5294 "Trustworthy Context-Aware Access Control in IoT Environments based on the Fog Computing Paradigm" von Nemanja Ignjatov

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