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Prototype evaluation
Usability evaluation with SUS (28.05.2018)
Förderjahr 2016 / Stipendien Call #11 / ProjektID: 1608 / Projekt: Exploring External Links in Twitter

I could finish the prototype and deployed it on a public domain to allow users to evaluate it based on its usability. SUS is a ten item Likert question survey (answers with values from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)) that allows to quickly measure the usability of a system or a product. SUS works even with a small amount of users. I could find 10 participants that evaluated and tested the system. The overall score was 80 out of 100. This means a school grade of B, and an normal acceptance rate.

The next thing was to structure and format the results of the survey and add the section to the Prototype chapter.

Simon Brændle

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Web Development
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