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Where to Begin and Where to End
The road to a final thesis (05.10.2017)
Förderjahr 2016 / Stipendien Call #11 / ProjektID: 1608 / Projekt: Exploring External Links in Twitter

September is already here and i took a three week break in August, mainly to attend weddings of friends. One was oversea in Canada. Quiet a distance. However, i am back and motivated to finish the thesis because it starts to get a little bit stressful.

All in all it took longer than expected and a year long project is not always satisfying. I have this many parts of the thesis and i need to puzzle them together now in order to form a final master thesis.

I implemented the first version of a ML Model into the server application and attached a React Client to it. A user can now search for a hashtag, and the system outputs Twitter messages annotated with a sentiment and a credibility rating.

The next task is to redefine the Methodology chapter. Next will be the chapter that describes the experiments and results.

Simon Brændle

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Web Development
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