The SEPSES knowledge graph: An integrated resource for cybersecurity (ISWC 2019)
Resource paper @ISWC (14.08.2019)
Förderjahr 2017 / Science Call #1 / ProjektID: / Projekt: SEPSES

The International Semantic Web Conference is the premier international forum for the Semantic Web and Linked Data Community. This year it will take place at the University of Auckland between the 26th  and 30th of October. We are happy that our paper "The SEPSES knowledge graph: An integrated resource for cybersecurity" has been accepted and will be presented in the resource track.

In this paper, we introduce an evolving cybersecurity knowledge graph that integrates and links critical information on real-world vulnerabilities, weaknesses and attack patterns from various publicly available sources. Cybersecurity constitutes a particularly interesting domain for the development of a domain-specific public knowledge graph, particularly due to its highly dynamic landscape characterized by time-critical, dispersed, and heterogeneous information. To build and continually maintain a knowledge graph, we provide and describe an integrated set of resources, including vocabularies derived from well-established standards in the cybersecurity domain, an ETL workflow that updates the knowledge graph as new information becomes available, and a set of services that provide integrated access through multiple interfaces. The resulting semantic resource offers comprehensive and integrated up-to-date instance information to security researchers and professionals alike. Furthermore, it can be easily linked to locally available information, as we demonstrate by means of two use cases in the context of vulnerability assessment and intrusion detection.

Overview of the architecture:

Solution Architecture

More information and details on the resources can be found in our previous blog post on the SEPSES Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph (CSKG).



Andreas Ekelhart

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Andreas is a researcher at University of Vienna and SBA Research. His main research interests include semantic applications and machine learning to strengthen cybersecurity.


IT Security
Semantic applications
Attacker modeling
Machine Learning

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